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Oohing and ahhing means fucking, or whatever the sweet spot is.

My husband and I haven't been out in ages. Home to work, work to home, weekends in front of the TV. We don't even have a dacha to which we could escape from our one-floor apartment on the ninth floor of a panel house. Borja my typical homebody and bore, so he and normal, and I, as in that song - "to fly hunting". I, like any normal woman, like to dress nicely, to go out in public, as they call it, but Boris, as they say, do not take with him, or at home do not leave. And we, by the way, with a little over thirty - when, if not now. We've done our time.

I came home from work on Friday, my husband said, - my cousin called, invited tomorrow, with them out of town to go to the city. As it turns out, it's my cousin's birthday, so they want to celebrate, so to speak, in a small circle. They rented something like a cottage by the lake, so that it will be possible to fish, and swim, and barbecue. The main thing is that he said: "You don't want to, Lenka, but it's inconvenient to refuse, so get ready". You'd think I'm the only one of us who's a houseplant. I even have a present for the occasion. Kuma has long wanted French perfume, and me, recently, at work, colleagues made me a gift, for the day of the social worker. I did not even have time to open the package, so I'll give it to her, - I decided, and in joy ran to pack.

The next day, early in the morning, my nephews came to pick us up, and the four of us went on an adventure. Not waiting for us to arrive, Marinka and I started celebrating in the car. While we got to the place, managed to crush half a liter of whisky and coke for two, so immediately after arrival, Borya took me to the bushes, to clear my stomach.

- That's what, you got seasick, kuma, - snickered Marinka, who, unlike me, was a strong and enduring woman.

As the guests arrived, it became clear that the circle of people present was not so narrow - in total, there were ten or twelve people, not all of whom I knew. Anyway, for an hour or two, we settled down, got acquainted, started celebrating, but my feeling from the road left much to be desired. While some people were fishing, others were cooking, and someone, despite the fact that the water was not warmed up yet, went swimming in the lake, I tried to cope with, still tormenting me, gagging. As soon as it became unbearable, I ran away from unnecessary eyes to quietly throw up alone with nature. My Borja was just standing at the brazier, so he couldn't keep me company.

Having vomited well, I leaned against a tree to catch my breath and come to my senses a little, as suddenly, against the background of the silence, I heard characteristic sounds coming from the neighboring ravine. The oohing and ahhing meant fucking. The question remained open - who and with whom? On the one hand, - as if, not my business, but driven by female curiosity, I in a half-saddle waddled to the exploration. "What a bitch!" - shot in my head, when, crawling to the shore, I saw how before my eyes, my kuma Marinka, fucks cancer Aristarkh - the brother of Gleb, our with Borya kuma and Marina's husband. I could not believe my eyes, although everything was one hundred percent obvious. Firmly grasping his brother's wife by her wide hips, Aristarkh shamelessly banged her in the ass, yes, so that the slaps against Marina's thick ass, the moon was walking through the forest. The whore's panties were crumpled on the ground, and her "I Love NY" T-shirt was pulled up to her neck, causing Marinka's massive bidons to dangle in different directions. Standing on straight legs, Kuma held her hands to the ground, stomping on her farts and giving her chocolate hole to her husband's brother.

- Ah! Easy, madman! - tried to calm the ardor of his fuck Marina. - Where are you in a hurry? No one will miss us, I told you. This is not your cunt - carefully fuck not that, next time, will not give.

- I'll give it to you, you bitch! You'd better get your period next time, or at least give me an enema before fucking, because it's no fun to take your shit.

- You asshole! I will now, in general, will jump off, and you will jerk off here yourself, - offended at Aristarkh's words, began to threaten his partner.

- It's too late, Marina, to jump off. Cum! - snarled through his teeth man and, making a sharp push with his pelvis, from which Marinka almost buried her nose in the ground, began to pump her rectum with the contents of his balls.

From my position, I could clearly see a thick white liquid pouring out of the mamushka's hollow, after the brother-in-law pulled out his bolt. Making a deep squat and sticking her middle finger into her asshole, Marina began to forge the remnants of cum out of it. Then, the kuma wiped herself with her underwear, put on shorts on her bare ass, tucked her udder back under her T-shirt and, lighting Aristarkhov's cigarette, began to talk to him about something. Not waiting to be exposed, I hurriedly left the place of observation, the same goose step, and returned back to the base. A minute after me, the birthday girl joined the guests. Aristarchus showed up a little later, apparently for the purpose of conspiracy.

The first batch of kebabs was ready and everyone was invited to the table. My body was not ready to eat yet, so I limited myself to tomato juice. As if nothing had happened, Marinka sat down on the right hand of her husband and began to look after him. The celebrant accepted congratulations, the guests repeatedly drank for her health, and an hour later from the beginning of the feast, everyone was already pretty drunk. From alcohol, even my Boris had a loose tongue, and he chatted cheerfully about something with a man sitting near him, named Paul. He was a close friend of our cousins' family, but we hadn't met until today. Next to Pavel sat his wife Oksana. Judging by her belly, she was late in her pregnancy, so, like me, she was sipping juice through a tube. Pavel asked my husband why I wasn't eating anything, looking over his shoulder and shooting his eyes in my direction. Not not noticing the signs of attention addressed to me by the other man, Borja explained the situation to Pasha and turned the topic to another direction. While mine was muttering something to himself, Pavel kept his eyes on me. There was something provocative in his gaze, and his smile said more than words could say.

- Listen, kuma, let's go on women's business, - Marinka turned to me and took me away from the table.

- Where have you been, friend? - sounded a question with a trick, from me, in the address of Marina.

- What do you mean?

- Yes, something, did not see you all morning. Leaving me alone like that. Probably had more interesting things to do than hangover kuma.

Marina glanced in my direction, but did not respond. Visiting the restroom, we went back to the crowd, but on the way stopped for a smoke and revelation.

- I see, Pashka put an eye on you, - two fingers bringing a cigarette to his mouth, businesslike said Marinka.

- How long have you known each other?

- He and my Gleb studied together. When we first started dating, Pavlik also to me wedges. There was a case, I even thought of leaving Gleb, for him.

- Was there something between you two? - I might not have asked, knowing how weak Marinka has always been at the end of her rope. What to say, if even today, she had the nerve to cheat under the nose of her husband, and even with his own brother.

- Oh, friend, think about me what you want, but, admittedly, we are with him, literally, until recently, this very ... - and kuma, on her fingers, demonstrated what she meant. - A couple of months ago, as stopped Gleb horns, and that, only because of the fact that Pashka's Xyukha flair has become more acute.

- That is, took a pause, - I clarified.

- I'll tell you so, because of the pregnancy, Xyusha temporarily unavailable, and suffers a man. He, in any case, his needs need to satisfy, and this durora even in her mouth does not take and her ass is saved, it is not clear for whom. No wonder her husband is looking at other women. Look, Lenka, if you're worried about Borka, I'll tell you this: what he doesn't know about won't hurt him. And don't tell me you've never thought about it before.

- Why don't you help him yourself, for old times' sake, if you're so in love?

- Honey, if not for my bleeding vagina ... - Marina did not have time to finish, because we suddenly joined two more who wanted to smoke - Marina's friends, Olga and Camille.

Toward evening the dancing began. Other husbands kept their wives company, and mine, as usual, sat smoking and blowing smoke in my face. After dancing a few medlaks with Oksana, her husband Pavel escorted his out of breath wife to a table, poured her some water and offered her some rest, considering the position she was in. Exceptionally, through concern for his wife, the man offered me to fill in for her for a while, and asked Bory's permission to ask me to dance. Under my husband's gaze, Paul did not allow himself any excesses, and only noticing that Boris was no longer watching, he pressed tighter and lowered his hand from my waist to my buttock.

- Elena, are you feeling better? - Pavlik started pumping his balls from afar.

- A little nauseous, but already tolerable.

- In this case, I will not spin you too much, so that you, inadvertently, did not lose consciousness, and I did not have to give you artificial respiration, - joked Pavel, not hiding sarcasm.

I could not help noticing that our dance was accompanied by a distinct erection in my partner. Feeling with my whole body how he wanted me, I involuntarily let my juices flow. Scrolling in my head Marina's instructions, mentally, I had already cheated on my husband. I swear, if my beau had offered to have sex with me that minute, I would have agreed to give myself to him no matter what. No matter how much I waited for a decisive action from Paul, that time he never took me somewhere on the shore to indulge in carnal pleasures. Having danced the dance to the end, Pasha returned me, soaking wet, to my dear husband.

Gleb, meanwhile, complained to Boris that his Marinka had gotten her period this morning, and for the next few days her crotch would be able to accept only sanitary tampons. I didn't want to upset my cousin by telling him about the true abilities of his wife. Besides, my crotch worried me much more at that moment.

I looked for Paul, who had disappeared somewhere, and when I was sure that he was absent, I went to the cabin, where we all had to spend the next night. For some reason, I thought I could find Pasha there, but instead of him, I came across Igor and Camilla, whom I'd already mentioned. The couple, unnoticed by everyone, had moved into the house, and settled right on the terrace and were having sex in the missionary position. The guys were so engrossed in the process that they didn't even notice my presence.

Camille was a spectacular, swarthy brunette, with firm breasts of the third size, a beautiful, as they say, Brazilian ass and long legs, with which she encircled the hips of Igor lying on her. As far as I was concerned, among all the ladies present, Camille was the most beautiful and exotic. Besides her sexy body, the girl's facial features were also quite alluring. With her big white teeth, she bit Igor's earlobe and started sucking on it with her plump lips. It looked hot as hell. Not inferior to his partner in body beauty, Igor could easily qualify for a nomination in the category "the firmest buttocks". The young man was muscular, perfectly coordinated and graceful in his movements. Watching this Westphalian cover his thoroughbred filly was a pleasure, at least from an aesthetic point of view.

To my shame, Camille noticed that I had been watching them for several minutes, but it didn't bother her. The woman didn't stop to blush; instead, when I wanted to leave, she waved her head at me, saying I shouldn't do that. Digging her nails into Igor's back and resting her feet on the floor, the dark-haired woman began to move her hips toward her partner and pick up the pace. From the moment our eyes met, Camille didn't look away. She frankly enjoyed fucking in front of witnesses and the fact that I was watching certainly turned her on. Even as Camille's hasty orgasm washed over her as she cummed, she didn't stop looking in my direction.

- Elena, there you are," Paul's quiet voice came from behind me. - I've been looking for you everywhere. Marina said you wanted to talk to me about something.

- Я...? Talk to you? - Caught off guard, I was a little scared and not ready for a dialog. - Marinka said that? - I thought she was pimping me out.

Pavlik stood a little farther away from the entrance to the terrace, so he couldn't see Igor and Camille. I decided not to let him come closer, so as not to be in an awkward position, so I took him under my arm and offered him a walk.

- Pavel, why are we on a first-name basis? With my husband you behaved more familiarly.

- Don't be jealous, I'm not going to take your husband away from you, I have enough of my wife, - Pasha joked quite well.

- By the way, where is Oksana? Did you leave your wife alone in her situation? - Not without an implication, I was curious.

- Oksana decided to lie down. As you put it - in her position, it is necessary to rest more.

While we were walking and talking, I did not notice how I found myself outside the perimeter of the base, in the parking lot, where we all parked our cars. Here, without ceremony and without asking permission, Paul took me in his arms, leaned my back against the back of the car and we merged in a fervent kiss. I don't know how long it had been since Pasha had made love, but to me, he was a little too turned on. Besides, he was pretty drunk, I could tell by the strong booze in his breath. When he reached down, Pavlik started kissing and licking my neck, and his hands gripped my ass tightly. To tell you the truth, I was a little discouraged by this assertion. My boyfriend was treating me like some kind of street hooker who had to give it to him because he'd paid for it.

When he started unbuttoning my blouse, he couldn't handle the tension and ripped off a good half of the buttons. He opened my clothes and began to lick my breasts, pulling down my bra with his teeth and digging his tongue into my navel. I stood stiffly with my breasts half exposed and my belly drooling. After that start, I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue. There was no trace of my former excitement.

- That's enough! Let's stop. I'm kind of uncomfortable," I decided to cut it short.

- Who's had enough? Not enough for me. I've got a whole day's worth of time on you," Paul said, as if that made a difference.

He took the alarm off his car, opened the back door, and pushed me into the cabin. He climbed in next, closed and locked the doors of the vehicle. In one motion, Pavel pulled off his shorts, grabbed me by the throat and ordered me to "suck it, bitch". To force me into his mouth, the asshole slapped my cheeks painfully with his palm, covered my nose, pulled my hair, and drove his pussy over my lips. I wanted to scream, and taking advantage of the moment, Pasha penetrated my mouth. My first thought was to bite off my assailant's cock, but realizing that by doing so I could be rude, I abandoned the idea. Paul held me by the mane and forced my head onto his procreative organ. All I could do was cry and squeal.

While I was sucking, Pavel unbuttoned my bra and got to my tits hanging like spaniel ears. Taking one tit in the palm of his hand, he began to knead it, getting even more turned on by the blowjob. Tears from my eyes and snot from my nose streamed down Pasha's scrotum, which he promptly responded to with a stream of cum down my throat from his cock. As the bastard was cumming, he pressed my face into his groin, nearly breaking my nose.

One discharge wasn't enough for Paul and with physical violence, he laid me on my back. Pulling off my shorts, along with my thong, the man nestled his tongue into my pussy and began to lick me. In his case, it was appropriate, given that I was completely dry. If he was planning to fuck me in my pussy, it wasn't unreasonable to prepare the ground.

Spreading my legs as wide as the cabin space would allow, Pasha entered me with his flaccid sausage. As he picked up the pace, his cock gained size, just inside my vagina. Within a minute, Pavel was already sucking in full force. The car was moving and from the street it must have looked quite spectacular. Pavel was pounding me so hard that my sandals flew off my feet. The walls of my vagina began to contract, foreshadowing an imminent orgasm. My mind went blank, all the perceptions of the world around me reduced to the confines of my uterus. I cum so sweetly, even though I was almost raped.

- Don't cum in my pussy," I asked Pasha, who continued to fuck me.

- He wasn't going to. One belly is enough for me," Pavel replied roughly.

He pulled his throbbing cock out of my apron and poured his cum on my pubes.

- You won't tell anyone, will you? - Pashka asked when we got out of the car.

I shook my head and we went back to the others after we had cleaned ourselves up. On the way, we met a staggering Olya, who was looking for the toilet, but got lost. Leaving me alone, Pavel kindly offered to take her to the restroom.

- Where did you two go together? - Slyly looking at me, then at Pasha, asked Olya.

- And where is everyone? - I avoided answering, asking a counter-question.

- Everyone went to the house to eat sweets, but I don't eat sweets, - Olga giggled, barely standing on her feet, and looked lustfully at Pasha.

Putting his arm around the girl's skinny waist, Pavel took her to pee, and I went to see what we had for sweets. When I entered the living room, I realized that I was not alone, Pavlik and I had wasted no time. On the wide sofa, with shorts down to the knees, sat Borja and Gleb, and kuma Marinka sucked them in turn. Oksana, Pavel's pregnant wife, Oksana, was sitting in the chair opposite, with her legs spread, without underwear, wearing only a nightie, and Gleb's brother Aristarkh, whose wife Olya Pavel had taken to fuck her, was licking her crotch. Igor and Camilla were not in sight - it seemed that the couple had had enough of fucking and had gone to bed.

- Join us, kuma," Gleb offered me, as if nothing had happened. - Why should the birthday girl have to take care of everyone?

It looked like the birthday girl didn't mind taking the blame for everyone. In any case, the way Marinka smacked, sucking my Borka, gave that impression. Frozen in place, I was confused. Gleb got up from the couch, came over to me, took my hand and led me to the others.

- Come on, Lenka, please your husband as you should," Marina said, pulling away from my husband's dick.

Watching Boris's reaction, or rather, the lack of it, I, to some extent, went along with them all and, kneeling down in front of Gleb, took his cock in my mouth.

- No, no, kuma, enough with my blowjobs, - Gleb stopped me. - Mine, today, as you heard, is critical, so I'll use a little bit of your pussy, - taking off my panties, calmly said the cousin.

He sat me down on the armrest of the couch and, holding my legs under his knees, began to insert his short but thick prick into my vagina. My labia and vaginal walls weren't used to the diameter of the device, so my cunt tensed up before the phallus entered the full length. My perineum ached a little, but after stretching to the necessary limit, it started to beg for the dick itself. While Gleb and I were finding points of contact, Marinka, with her strong hand, tried to bring my Borja to the explosion. She hovered over him, ready, at any second, to put her wide-open mouth, for a fresh portion of cum, and Borja, in all eyes, stared at the kuma behind the groove. Catching his gaze, lush-breasted Marina realized what to do. Having taken off her outer clothing, she placed Borin's hose between her tits and began to jerk my husband with her appetizing mammary glands. This gesture greatly encouraged Borja, and he immediately shot a jet of semen into my husband's chin. The fountain of thick, white liquid, in the performance of my husband, did not stop for a long time, so that, in the end, Marinka's tits and neck were abundantly flooded with Boris' malafia. Meanwhile, there was a prolonged moan of Oksana, who capitulated under the onslaught of Aristarkh's tongue. The pregnant woman couldn't control her inflamed vulva and showered the licker's face with golden rain. As an apology, Oksana overstepped her principles, and, standing up, offered Aristarkh to stretch her sphincter, but the man refused to engage in anal, but asked the future mother to allow him to jerk off on her stomach. Oksana pulled up her nightie, exposed her belly, and Aristarkh began to masturbate and knock on her belly with his childbearing organ.

Having fucked in one position, Gleb bent me over the back of the sofa and continued fucking me. We were joined by Marinka, who decided to help her husband to cum faster. She squatted down behind her husband and slid her tongue between his buttocks. With my pussy I felt that from Marina's caresses, Gleb's cock became even harder. Preparing to cum, I nestled my cheek against my husband sitting next to me and breathing heavily, I said in his ear - "let my husband cum in me.

Aristarkh was squeezing pregnant Oksana's swollen tits and squirting on her stomach, Marina was massaging Gleb's prostate with her middle finger, who was filling my uterus with cum, and I was scratching my husband's neck with my fingernails, cumming on my husband's dick.

When Pavel brought in a drunk and happy Olga, who, as we all noticed, had no underwear on, and her skirt was so high that it didn't cover anything, Marina served a cake and tea. Later, Igor and Camilla joined us, and we finished celebrating Marina's birthday with casual conversation over a cup of tea. No one would have believed that half an hour ago the lakeside cottage was a haven for a matchmaking orgy.

The next day, everyone went their separate ways. In the car on the way home, I felt a tremor in my legs and a contentment in my soul that I hadn't had in a long time. Despite the obscenity of the events, there was no remorse. The impressions received from the joint rest would be enough for some time, but it wouldn't hurt to think about the next reason to let the bird out of the cage.