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Mom and a bunch of non-russians on a wild beach.

Oh, this time when miracles follow you wherever you go, travel or fly. These miracles can be the result of ignorance, the desire to exaggerate and embellish reality, and sometimes serve as an example of pure fantasy and fiction. But sometimes, and very often, the worst nightmares turn out to be the purest truth. I do not know what to attribute the story that I am going to tell you today, I know that it was 10 years ago in the Crimea. My mother and I went on vacation in one of the small resort towns. Located in a good hotel, perhaps even in the best of the possible in those places. To the sea was 10 minutes quiet step, around a lot of cafes and restaurants, to the main market is also hand in hand. What else could a Russian mom dream of. Mom was 36. She looked very good. Proud posture combined with a gentle smile created a very attractive image. She was also blonde with long hair. A small tummy was the result of age and early childbirth, but long legs and appetizing thighs covered the extra couple of kilograms.

After settling into the hotel, we went to look around. We went to the beach, threw pebbles into the sea. It was getting dark and we decided to have a snack. We decided not to look for a long time and went to the first more or less decent restaurant. The place turned out to be good, the food was tasty and the atmosphere was favorable for a good pastime. Only we went to the dessert, as the waiter brought us a bottle of expensive wine according to my mother's reaction.

- I didn't order it, she objected.

- Don't worry, it's a gift from the young man from that table - the waiter politely replied and pointed to a swarthy non-Russian guy about 25 years old, he was dressed very neatly and generally did not cause disgust.

Mom thanked him with a gentle smile and, when the waiter filled the glass, apparently tired after the road, very lively began to absorb the red drink.

When mom emptied the third glass, the generous gentleman decided to get acquainted.

- Good evening, my name is John.

- Nice to meet you. Valeria, and this is my son Alexander.

He kissed mom's hand and shook mine.

- May I have your company this fine evening?

- I don't mind.

He moved a chair from his table to ours. A nimble waiter came over and offered to bring a second wine glass.

- And bring another bottle," John added.

We sat there for two hours. They chatted casually. I think the wine and the good music played a big part in making it casual, but anyway, the new acquaintance didn't hit on Mom, even when she was already visibly cheerful from the wine. When the movie was all drunk, John looked at his watch and said it was time for him to leave. They exchanged phone numbers and after kissing Mom's hand and shaking mine, the young suitor left.

Mom went to the restroom almost immediately. Apparently she was embarrassed to do it in front of a gallant gentleman. Although she drank, as it seemed to me, much more than him.

In 15 minutes she came back and we also left the restaurant and went to the room to sleep. All night she was texting someone, disturbing my sleep with the light of her phone. The next day we went on an excursion to the mountain waterfalls, which we had booked back in Moscow at the planning stage of the trip. The whole day on my feet wore me out and I fell asleep on the bus, not remembering how I ended up in the hotel. In the morning we went to the nearest beach, as it is customary, we took turns swimming so that one of us sat under an umbrella and guarded our phones and keys. Of course, I was splashing in the water much longer than her, but when I had to sit down to dry off and sunbathe, which I didn't really like, I suddenly heard three non-Russians talking at the table of a summer café not far from where we were lying down.

- See the Russian bitch in the red bathing suit? - one asked.

- Where?

- Over there, fuck.

- Ah, well. She's a normal chick.

I wondered who they were talking about and started looking for the bitch in the red bathing suit and stopped looking at the mom in the scarlet bikini standing knee-deep in the water. "What a bitch," I thought and continued listening.

- Ai Ai, appetizing prove? - the third one cheerfully intervened in the conversation.

- Do you want to fuck her today? - The first one picked up on it.

- I'm sure, but is there a possibility? - enthusiastically replied the only one who didn't know her.

- Bring her here by 3, we'll go with the guys to the wild beach to fuck her - said the first voice a little quieter.

- Why are you laughing?

- I'm telling you for real, she was picked up by Jamshut the day before yesterday in a restroom on Yuzhnaya Street. She gave it to him right away at the pushcart. He took her number, found out that she was a whore from the capital who came here for two weeks and really wants to fuck hard somewhere wild while her cuckold husband is in Moscow. The only problem is she's with her cunt. But she's coming here today, we're gonna pack up and go to our spot.

I was immediately numb to what I was hearing. What could it all mean? Maybe they're talking about another woman? I began to go over the facts, we are really from Moscow and in the restaurant she really took a bathroom break when "John" was not in the room. I almost burst into tears but managed to contain myself.

I heard the three of them taking pictures of mom's butt and figuring out how they were going to have fun with her this afternoon. When mom came in to dry off, she saw them from across the table waving at her in a friendly manner, and waved back just as friendly.

As hurt as I was, I couldn't find the strength to tell my mother that I knew everything. I had to play along and content myself with watching.

When we got to the room, we showered, snacked on tea sandwiches and lay down for a nap.

- Son, I'll go shopping today, I'll look for souvenirs, you rest, and in the evening we'll go to the movies - Mom gave me the most affectionate tone.

I just nodded my head and pretended that everything was normal.

At the beginning of the third she started to pack. It was a hot day, and it was the hottest time of the day. She wore a white tank top over her bare breasts, so that the little nipple bumps were sticking out excitedly, and short jean shorts. After saying goodbye and kissing me on the forehead, she left, telling me to lock up. I kept the key just in case. That case, as you might have guessed, came very quickly.

I came out about 15 minutes after my mom, and started running my eyes fast-fast looking for her. For a second, I saw a piece of a white t-shirt disappear behind a coffee shop building about two hundred feet away from me. I ran in that direction, hoping it was her. When I got there, out of breath, I looked around the corner where she was supposed to go and actually saw her sitting at a table on the street with four Caucasians, one of whom I had seen the other day. They were drinking beer and my mom was sucking down a cocktail through a straw. After about 10 minutes, three more (!) They didn't even sit down, just exchanged greetings with the new acquaintance and all together left the cafe. I had to go around the building from the other side and when I saw the company I was interested in again, it consisted of 12 men and my mother. After standing outside the cafe for a while, waiting for everyone to finish their cigarettes, the crowd moved on.

They walked for about an hour from the center of the town, by some roundabout ways, until finally they came to a wild beach, which was separated from the main beach protruding into the sea by a mountain, which for its similarity in shape was called "rhinoceros mountain". Thus this beach was hidden from the watchful eyes of civilization.

A crowd of Caucasians hastily spread a blanket on the sand and encircled the mother, who was in the very center of it.

- So let's play - Said "John."

She was immediately stripped of her white T-shirt, she only undid the button on her jean shorts, as they, and then the pink panties came off like cute under the pressure of Caucasian hands. She already completely naked knelt down on her knees and took the big black cock in her mouth and started sucking it, resting her nose on the hairy pubis.

- Come on, Russian whore - he encouraged her.

When he had cum, the other said:

- Now I've got it.

And, taking her by the hair, bent her over his cock.

There was a queue of guys who wanted a blowjob, but so far were only jacking off dudes. Particularly clever guy did not hesitate to stick her from behind. Then the real bacchanalia began. Screams, laughter, moans of the mother, swearing in Russian and in languages I do not understand - all mixed up. To make it even more exciting, they put a cap on her with symbols I don't understand, apparently something in Basurman. The special moment was when one of them decided to enter her ass first.

- I'm going to fuck her ass," he said eloquently, which caused a joyful noise.

Undoubtedly she was in great pain, because the woman screamed like a dog being skinned.

The chinks, of course, gagged her, sometimes with their hands, sometimes with their cocks. When the pioneer left the exhausted anal, however, they immediately gathered to look at him.

- Show me how you've done," the crowd erupted.

Apparently, the sight was that still, so that one even took out a cell phone and began to take pictures. The mother only moaned, either from pain, or from pleasure, or from all together.

She was stuffed wherever she could, she even stopped sucking and only put her tongue out to make it easier for them to shove their bolts into her mouth.

Then she was finally turned onto her back. My eyes immediately fell on her exhausted reddened pussy, with a neatly shaved strip on her pubes. The mother herself didn't look exhausted at all. She was surrounded on all sides by hairy dudes and cumming en masse on her naked body. She smiled and rubbed the cum all over her breasts and stomach. It was amazing how after such a massive fucking, covered in cum, she maintained grace and beauty in her demeanor. At this point, she even looked like a Greek goddess that the filthy commoners were desperately praying to. They were not even touching her anymore, just jerking her off, enjoying the beauty of her forms and curves, which they were lucky enough to see.

It went on like that for about 5-10 minutes, until she kneeled down. Everyone took a step back and watched her gently stretch with the grace of a pussycat, arching her back and pointing upward with her locked arms. Semen dripped down her forwardly exposed breasts. She yawned with pleasure and smiled in a fucking way that would not fail to get the men standing around her again. She made a movement to rise to her feet, but she was immediately picked up in the arms of two khachas and threw her into the sea under the general hooting. To tell by honor, she flew not like a fairy-tale mermaid showered with salty splashes, but rather like an abandoned dog, quickly and quickly rubbing her paws, until she fell into the water with a noise. At this spit there was applause, loud laughter and whistling from the shore. In a moment the mother's head appeared out of the sea foam, she tried to wash herself and wipe off the white substance, but a strong wave covered her and she disappeared again. Further events caused the mountaineers to laugh even harder. Mom again surfaced, closer to the shore, her whole torso showed, she tried to take steps, but her strength was so exhausted that the next wave knocked her down again, and she began to flounder, trying to get out on the sand. In her helplessness, which contrasted strongly with her usual grace, strangely enough, she was aroused and attracted. Apparently from this, though perhaps truly pitying, a bunch of hairy young men separated from the general group and set out to rescue the unfortunate woman from her watery captivity. Once on solid ground, she, wet and clean, seemed like a very young girl, thanks to the innocent smile that blazed across her face. She stopped, and bending over, wrung out the moisture, twisting her long hair. Then she bent forward, her breasts out and her ass out, and now, as the sea breeze blew her curls shining in the light, she looked like a mermaid who had just shaved her legs.

Her first inclination was to grab a towel, dry herself off, and finally get dressed. In fact, it turned out that there were no panties, tank top or shorts anywhere. She was surprised and, of course, frightened.

- Where are the clothes? Where did you put them? - with contrived strictness, through which clearly oozed girlish shyness.

- And fuck you - laughed churki.

- No clothes!

- A whore should walk like a whore!

Such meanness was a surprise to the poor woman. The mother was numb, imagining how she would have to get to the hotel naked. She began to crumple and even stepped back. But in an instant the stupor was replaced by a shudder, caused by an electric shock, when she was slapped on her bare bottom by the hand of a gorilla standing behind her. She turned around, startled, but the hand only squeezed her poor buttock harder, so that the woman bent over in pain.

- Suck some more to get clothes - said the gorilla with a strong accent.

She could already feel his huge shaft pressing into her side.

- Suck it, suck it," came the shouts from the crowd.

She looked around at the screamers and silently knelt down and obeyed. First she kneaded the black cock with two hands, which made it bloody and swollen, and then, taking it into her mouth, she almost immediately swallowed with difficulty what appeared to be a large lump of semen.

The condition was fulfilled and the woman looked questioningly at the gorilla.

The man made a gesture and there was a stirring in the crowd.

The whole crowd stood in a row against the sea and only one young man moved away from them for 10 meters and took out a cell phone, pointing it at his fellows. Mom stood in bewilderment.

- Spread your legs, for us as a souvenir - said the photographer.

Immediately she was lifted up on her arms and spread her legs. The camera clicked. Then she was twirled several times, giving her a variety of fucking poses. She herself did not resist at all and even bit her lip and stroked her breasts a couple of times in a fucking way. Perhaps in this way she hoped to placate them so that they would give her the clothes.

- Give me the clothes, you promised," she said quite gently.

They laughed again.

- Here, put them on, let them see whose slut you are - echoed through the crowd.

- Put it on her!

Then other rough hands, like a huge sack, covered mom with a black T-shirt, which covered her almost to the knees. After putting her hands into the sleeves and straightening her new garment, she saw that on her chest was a large flag, the identity of which was revealed by the white inscription "Dagestan-strength" on the back. The woman shook her head, it was really better than going naked. Then she took advantage of the moment and walked towards the city. The Caucasians began to build a fire, apparently preparing to stay at their favorite place for a long time. As a farewell a couple of dudes slapped her ass, and one pinched her breasts, but she seemed to be satisfied with such an abundance of attention.

I watched her carefully sneak home so that no one would see her in such an indecent state. But since there are a lot of vacationers in town, who even walk around the center in a swimsuit, she had no problem getting home, where I, of course, ran in ahead of her and pretended to sleep. She immediately went into the shower. And as if nothing had happened, keeping her promise, she spent the evening with me at the movies and wandering through the lighted streets of the town. We crossed paths with "John" a couple more times, and I'd seen them go off together, ostensibly casually and briefly, but luckily I never saw any more scenes like that.