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Answered for rudeness

My name is Anton. I'm 20 years old. This story happened to me at the beginning of last summer. My parents took a vacation for two weeks and went to the village to my grandmother. I had to retake one of the exams, so I stayed home. The retest was not difficult. I invited my friend Denis, with whom we played Dota, to visit me. He came with his laptop and for a week we hung out in the game, practically not going outside. Except for energy drinks and chips. Our holiday came to an end when I ran out of internet.

Denis and I went to a shopping center near my house. There was a bank on the second floor where we decided to pay for the internet. There were several people in line. In front of us stood a young blonde woman, a little older than us. She was wearing a black t-shirt and very short jean shorts. We happily followed her, not taking our eyes off her round ass, which was half on display. And the girl's legs were very beautiful. Slender, smooth, smooth and slightly tanned. She was communicating on a white iPhone of the newest model with some guy, whom she called simply "poopsie". Almost every phrase of the girl began with the words: "poopsie, and you know what else I want? My friend saw such a cool (skirt, phone case, blouse, T-shirt, shoes, purse, lipstick...)". Yeah, on the one hand, a guy's lucky to fuck a girl that hot. On the other hand, he's unlucky. After all, every minute she was thinking of something she vitally needed to buy. The line wasn't moving fast. But we weren't upset, gazing at the blonde's ass.

There were only two people left in line in front of us. A middle-aged woman was buying currency. The blonde kept talking on the phone. There was no one in line behind us. Suddenly two tall, overweight women entered the bank. Broad-shouldered and not the tidiest looking, about 40 years old. One of them had an open bottle of beer in her hands.

- We'll take this cash out in two seconds. - said the one holding the bottle. Then they came up to us and threw to me and Denis on the way: "Boys, we'll go in front of you, we'll be quick". Without even waiting for an answer, they went to the cash register where the woman in front of us and the blonde was taking the currency. The girl in front of us hung up the phone and saw that one of the large women came to the cash register in front of her and gave her card to the cashier and demanded to cash 10000 rubles.

- Hey, woman, is it okay that it's my turn now? - appealed in her slightly squeaky voice blonde.

- Nothing. We need two seconds. We'll cash the money and that's it. - A larger woman with short black hair and a bottle of beer answered rudely, looking at the blonde with a look that made it clear that it was better not to mess with her.

- So what? - The blonde was indignant - I also need two seconds to pay the fine, and you got in without waiting in line.

- Little one, tone it down! - said more rudely the woman with the bottle - Now we'll withdraw the money and you'll pay your fucking fine.

- So get in line and then withdraw the money! - The blonde woman raised her tone, too - or can't your legs hold you up?

- Do you hear me, whore! Now you'll pick up your teeth from the floor. - The woman with the beer turned to the blonde and was about to go in her direction, but the second large woman took her under her arm and they stepped aside.

- That's it, it took two seconds and you started talking nonsense! - addressed the blonde to the second woman, who was putting bills and a card with a check in her jeans pocket. Then she turned to her friend - That's it, Lyubka, don't pay attention to this whore, let's go.

- What do you mean? I'm a whore? - The blonde was indignant again - Look at yourselves, two drunken, stinking pigs!

The women were walking towards the exit, but when they heard their names being called they immediately turned back. The blonde came to the cash register at the moment when Lyubka flew up to her and kicked her in the side. The blonde flew off to the side and hit the wall. At that moment, a guard came up to Lubka and tried to hold the woman back, but she swung him away too, causing him to step aside.

- Woman, stop the fight immediately! - shouted the guard, when Lubka ran up to the blonde and hit her in the face with the palm of her hand shouting: "So who did you call a pig, bitch?" - I'm calling the police!

The guard's last phrase had an effect on Luba and she turned away from the blonde sitting on the floor and walked towards the exit.

- Come on. - She calmly answered the guard - Well, we had a little fight, it's nothing.

- Young lady, are you all right? Should I call an ambulance? Or the police? - ran up to the blonde bank manager, when the two women had already left - Alina, bring the girl some water!

- No. - quietly, but irritatedly answered the blonde getting to her feet - You don't need to call anyone! I can do it myself! And I don't need water, I can afford to buy it myself. And I won't go to your bank again. You can't even keep your customers safe! It's called a bank. Ugh!

She turned around and walked towards the exit. Then she slammed the door loudly, looked around and left.

Denis and I were surprised. Or rather to say - dumbfounded by what had happened. The bank employees also came to their senses after a couple of minutes. I paid for the Internet and Denis and I went outside. When we passed the parking lot, we turned into the courtyard and saw the blonde from the bank in the distance. She was walking slowly down the tile road that led to the park. Denis suggested that we follow her, because she might be heading to the park's treadmill, where we could watch her bending over and doing other exercises. We headed after her. She was coming down the stairs and was at the very bottom when we first stepped on the first step. The blonde stopped abruptly a few meters away from the stairs and stood there like a dummy. Denis and I stopped too.

- Well, bitch! Did you think we wouldn't find you? - came the familiar voice of Lyubka. The branches of lush trees blocked our view, but we could see the blonde. Then two fat women, with whom she had a conflict in the bank, approached her with the gopniks' gait.

- What do you want? You already hit me at the bank. - The blonde could hear in her voice that she was scared and practically crying. Denis and I quietly stepped back, afraid of getting hit. And despite the fact that Lyubka had definitely noticed us, the women didn't pay us any mind. We climbed over the fence and hid behind the bushes and went downstairs.

- So, whore, what did you call us? - Ljubka pressed on the blonde, who looked silently at the ground beneath her feet. Lubka grabbed her chin and lifted it up so that the blonde, who was no taller than 160 cm, looked her in the face, although Lubka was no shorter than 180 cm - Repeat now in the face what you called us!

- I... I didn't mean to. It's just that you got in without queuing. - already crying replied the blonde.

- I didn't ask you, bitch, what happened. I told you specifically, repeat to your face what you called me and my friend. - At that moment, the blonde tried to pull her face away from Lyubka's hand, for which she immediately received the palm of her second hand on her cheek. From the blow the blonde leaned over and cried - How stupid you are. If you can't say it to my face, get on your knees and apologize. Quick, whore!

The blonde slowly knelt in front of Luba, still holding her face.

- Please forgive me. I was wrong. - She mumbled quietly.

- What did you call us, you fucking whore? - A second woman a little shorter and thinner entered the conversation. After waiting a while, she added: - Put your face up at us and don't be shy. It is clear that you are used to sucking cocks with your mouth, you stupid cunt, but now you must repeat what you called us! Now!

- I, I, I... I apologize for calling you pigs. - With her hands on her chest and looking at the women, the blonde said in a shaky voice. And a second later she was hit in the face with the back of Luba's palm. The blonde shrieked and covered her face with her hands and fell on her side. The second woman kicked her in the stomach, then grabbed her by the hair and lifted the blonde so that she was on her knees again. The girl was crying and begging her abusers: - Please forgive me! Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you! Please forgive me! Don't hit me!

- Shut your mouth! - Lubka shouted, slapping the girl again - And call yourself a whore!

- Forgive me... I'm a whore. I'm a bitch. Just don't hurt me, please. - the blonde begged them. But Lubka gave her several more blows with her palm. First on her face, and when the blonde fell down again, on her back, shoulders and back of her head. It sounded like a very heavy hand. At the same time, an older woman was coming down the stairs.

- Don't you dare yell, bitch! - Lubka hissed to the blonde, then turned to her friend - Natah, I think she needs help to get to a quieter place.

The two women took the blonde by the hair and dragged her into the thick bushes, which were opposite to the ones Denis and I were sitting behind.

- My God, what a shame! - An old woman who had come down the stairs was indignant - It's a white day, and she's already drunk as hell. She should have covered her ass. Ugh!

I looked at Denis, who was looking enthusiastically at the neighboring bushes.

- Hey, Antoch. I don't know why, but I was really turned on by the way those two fat women were humiliating that sexy bitch.

- Me too. - I agreed with my friend. We climbed out from behind the bushes and went towards the neighboring ones. We carefully peeked behind them, but found no one there. Only in the tall grass we noticed a drag trail. We slowly followed the trail. The grass was almost waist-high. After about 20 meters there was a blonde's white bag in the grass, and a couple of meters away from her was one sneaker that had been worn on her feet. A fresh path led down a small hill. Taking the blonde's things we walked down a little ways.

- Don't! Please! - we heard the young girl's crying voice.

- Shut up, whore!" came the voice of one of the two women. We went a little lower. The voices came from behind a pile of earth. They had once dug a big hole here, they said, to make an artificial reservoir. But they decided to leave it before reaching the spring. In winter, many small children come here to go sledding, because the descent is quite steep and high. And in summer it is always empty. Only sometimes zoomers "run to the pit", which means to go for a smoke where nobody will see you. Today it was empty.

Looking out from behind the ground, we noticed a shocking picture. Natasha had a small knife in her hands. The blonde's shirt and shorts were lying on the grass. The girl herself was kneeling beside Lyuba, who sat down next to her and twisted the blonde's nipples, making her shriek. Then Natasha came closer to her and put the knife to her throat.

- If you scream or squeal any more, I'll stab you and no one will find you here until fall. You understand, you fucking bitch?

- Yeah, I got it. - The girl kept crying. Natasha lightly patted the blonde on the cheek, then hid the knife in her pocket and unbuttoned her jeans. She pulled them down to her knees, turned her back to the girl and bent over a little, spreading her legs wide. The blonde looked questioningly at Lyuba, who took her by the hair on the back of her head and pressed her face into Natasha's crotch, while commanding: "Lick slut, now you're going to lick our pardon!". At first the blonde tried to resist and even push Lyuba, but after a hard kick to her ribs, she froze, and then, crying even harder, leaned back against Natasha again from behind and began to slowly lick that one. Lyuba stepped aside and took a bottle of beer out of her bag. While the blonde licked Natasha's cunt, Lyuba drained the bottle of beer. Natasha took off her jeans and panties. She ordered the blonde to lie down on the grass, which she complied. The woman sat on her face and slowly moved her thick thighs. Luba took the blonde's tank top and ripped it down the middle. Then she rolled it into a thick rope and tied the girl's legs together. After that she sat on them and started to run her hand over the blonde's pussy, most likely penetrating it with her fingers. The girl moaned a little. Either from the pain or she was starting to enjoy herself, but she was no longer crying. The women continued to humiliate the girl by finger fucking her and getting on her face and forcing her to lick them. It was over after at least an hour. At last Lyuba untied her legs, but trapping the blonde's hands behind her back, she tied them. And Natasha, having dressed, slapped the girl a couple more times. The blonde lay motionless on the grass, and the two offenders whispered something in her ear and quickly went away. As they passed us, they didn't notice me or Denis. We lay down in the grass, pressed to the ground as low as if a tank was passing over us. After a couple of minutes Denis asked me to see if they had gone. I slowly crawled up the mountain. At the top I rose to my full height and noticed the silhouettes of Natasha and Lyuba. The women were walking far away from me near the bushes that grew near the stairs. After a moment, they passed through the bushes and began to climb the steps to the courtyards. I slowly wandered back. From the mountain I could see neither the girl nor Denis, so I decided to go down.

After a couple minutes I went behind a pile of earth at the bottom of the pit, where I was caught by a very unexpected picture. The blonde was lying practically motionless on her stomach. My friend Denis was naked and lying on top of her, nestled behind her. The girl was actively moving her legs, trying to throw off my friend, and he, covering her mouth with one hand, was quickly fucking her. Only a few seconds passed before Denis slowed down. I couldn't stand it. Throwing off my shorts and t-shirt, I quickly took Denis' place as he covered the girl's mouth with his hand. I quickly found the blonde's wet hole with my cock and entered her easily. She was pretty fucked up, and my friend's cum made the movements of my cock so slippery that I didn't enjoy them at all. I pulled my dick out of the blonde's pussy, and spreading her firm, round buns, I opened the passage into her soft pink anus. It turned out to be developed, apparently for expensive gifts the girl worked with all her holes. I entered it without much difficulty and her anal hole was much tighter than the front. After fucking her for a couple minutes I poured my cum into the girl.

Denis and I grabbed our stuff and quickly ran upstairs. After a few minutes, after catching our breath and getting dressed, we went downstairs, taking the blonde's purse and sneakers with us. As we assessed what had happened, we realized that the girl just couldn't see our faces. When we were downstairs, the blonde was squatting, wiping the cum we had left in her holes. When she saw us she gingerly covered herself. We asked what was wrong, to which she replied with a little hesitation: "No, nothing happened... It's just that... A guy had sex with me and ran away." We gave her her purse, lying that we had accidentally found it nearby. She asked us to help her to her car and give her something to cover herself with. Denis gave the blonde his t-shirt, she put on her shorts and left her panties in our cum on the grass. We walked her to the car. The girl gave us a ride home and drove off. She probably didn't even remember that we were standing behind her in line at the bank. Of course she did, she'd had a very busy day. And so had we.